Living Like a Lion (Carnivore Diet Update)
So it has been 5 months since Brandon and I started the Carnivore diet. First things first, Brandon loved it and continues it on a modified basis still today. Not that he needed to lose weight, but he lost 30lbs in the 5 months and feels the best he has in years. He will now eat garden fresh vegetables and will use some select sauces as long as they are sugar free and have clean ingredients. I, on the other hand, struggled from the beginning ... Eating a meat heavy diet was not easy or fun for me and I did not last past the initial 30 days. I topped out at about a 13lb weight loss and felt great , but mentally I just could not stay motivated. My immediate thoughts were that I failed. Thankfully life and God doesn't work that way and I have felt grace throughout this journey. While I do not follow the Carnivore diet 100% of the time, I have made some changes that have been more sustainable for me and are helping me be more mindful of what I am eating. Am I getting a true clea...